To view who has unlocked their album for you, or view who you have unlocked your album for; in addition to locking & unlocking individual albums, simply follow these instructions:
- When using the website version of Whappz: first tap MENU in the top right of the main page and then scroll down to where it says “unlocks” and the window will open showing all the albums you have “received and sent”
- The received albums are the ones someone has unlocked for you and the sent albums are the ones that you have unlocked for others
- If you no longer wish to have your album unlocked for someone, simply click on the thumbnail pic, it will open their profile page and you simply click the box that says “LOCK PICS” and your album will now be locked for that user.
- To unlock your pics, simply click the thumbnail pic and it will open the profile page of that user, and then you click “UNLOCK PICS” and your album with private pics will now be visible for that user until you LOCK IT again.
- If you wish to LOCK ALL YOUR ALBUMS FOR ALL USERS AT ONCE, simply go to the MENU, then go to “settings” under my account and click “settings” and scroll down to the bottom of the pop up window and where it says “private albums” you click RELOCK ALL PRIVATE ALBUMS and ALL OF YOUR ALBUMS WILL NOW BE LOCKED FOR ALL USERS.
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